About DCX

Hey there, CX leader! I know you're pouring your heart and soul into creating amazing customer experiences, but let's be real - it's a tough gig.

You're constantly juggling a million tasks, putting out fires, and trying to drive change with limited resources and time.

This can make even the most passionate CX leader feel overwhelmed and burned out.

But here's the thing: you don't have to go it alone.

The DCX Newsletter is here to be your lifeline, your secret weapon, and your go-to source for all things CX.

I've been in your shoes and know exactly what you need to stay inspired, informed, and ahead of the curve.

What's in It for You?

  • Free Subscribers: Each week, I'll be your personal CX coach, sharing hard-won insights, actionable tips, and real-world success stories that will help you tackle your toughest challenges and spark new ideas for delighting your customers.

  • Paid Subscribers: You'll get everything the free subscribers do, plus a whole lot more. Think exclusive content, in-depth analysis, and curated resources that will save you time and keep you on the cutting edge. You'll also get access to my Ultimate CX Templates Collection (a $24.99 value) and three gift subscriptions to share with your team or peers.

Why Subscribe Now?

Because the world of CX is moving at lightning speed, and you can't afford to fall behind.

With the DCX Newsletter, you'll:

  • Get the inside scoop on the latest CX trends, technologies, and best practices so you can stay ahead of the curve.

  • Learn proven strategies for overcoming common CX challenges, like getting buy-in from stakeholders, measuring ROI, and breaking down silos.

  • Discover new ways to inspire and engage your team, even when resources are tight and the pressure is on.

  • Discover cutting-edge CX strategies and tactics you can implement immediately to drive measurable results and elevate your customers' experiences to new heights.

  • Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to become a recognized CX thought leader in your organization, positioning you for career advancement and greater impact.

  • Stay ahead of disruptive CX trends and emerging technologies, ensuring you can proactively adapt and innovate to exceed evolving customer expectations.

Why Do I Do This?

Because I've been where you are, and I know how lonely and frustrating it can be to feel like you're swimming upstream.

But I also know the incredible impact that one passionate, empowered CX leader can have on an organization and its customers.

My mission is to give you the knowledge, tools, and confidence you need to be that leader.

I want to help you thrive in your role and make a real difference in the lives of your customers and colleagues.

Who Reads DCX? CX leaders who refuse to settle for mediocrity.

Executives and change-makers at top companies like Microsoft, Frontier Communications, Humana, Genesys, and JPMC turn to the DCX Newsletter for the no-fluff, actionable insights they need to drive customer-centric transformation.

Whether you're a seasoned CX executive or a rising star looking to make your mark, the DCX Newsletter is your secret weapon for success.

So what are you waiting for?

Join the DCX community today, and let's start building the customer experiences of tomorrow together.

-Mark Levy

Mark Levy | LinkedIn

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Subscribe to DCX - Perspectives and Insights on Digital CX

Inspiration, education, and coaching for customer-obsessed leaders. Read by executives and leaders at Microsoft, Frontier Communications, Humana, Genesys, JPMC and many more.


Building great digital customer experiences is my passion. Former Comcast VP, Digital Experiences. Senior strategy consultant to many Fortune 500 companies and startups.